Wednesday 2 July 2014

Food Photography Mood Board

This is my Food Photography mood board i have made, i have made this to help me with ideas on what i could do for my images, for example the image on the bottom left with the fork and the food on the fork i like this idea because its not just a bowl of food, it makes the image more interesting. I also like the image with the spoon next to the bowl as it ads more to the image. I also like the image with the sauce dripping onto the plate, and will keep this in mind for if i have a dish of food which has sauce you can add to it. 

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Images from the Studio

 We took some images in the studio, some of these images included normal and basic set up for portrait photography (shoulders upwards), however some of these images are different to portraiture, for example we included two people and we found sources around us such as ladders, we some how involved the ladders in the picture to make the image different and more interesting. After we had used the basic set up we decided to use low key lighting to create lots of different shadows. We put the lighting in lots of different places to try out the shadows in different places.

Monday 16 June 2014

Air Brushing

Air Brushing and Why

Air Bushing first started around the 1940's, They used Airbrush to remove certain things in their image that they didn't want to be their, the most common thing they would erase would be people, which eventually develop to smaller details such as removing jewelry and working on there skin such as getting rid of spots and wrinkles. They did this to make their images look better and remove any unwanted things in their images.

These are some images i found on the internet which are before and afters of airbrushing, as you can see sometimes airbrushing can make you look quite plastic looking and doesn't always make you look better.

Here are some images i airbrushed my self::

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Duets Food Photography

I like this image because  i think the colours go very well together and none of the colours clash.i also like the angle the photo has been taken at as its high enough to see whats on the plate but not too high or too low.  I like how you can see the reflection in the spoon as it makes the image more interesting and more to look at rather than the food that is on the dish. I also like how you can see the detail on the mat as i think if the mat wasn't in the image i think it would have looked boring.
I like how this image is set out because the image is framed by the napkin, knife and fork. I think this works nicely because it draws attention to the lasagne. I think the red napkin draws more of the red out in the lasagne and looks more colourful than i think it would look quite bland and boring without the napkin. I also like the angle this image has been taken at as i think that it is high enough to see every detail properly. 
I think this image looks a bit blue isn and cold, which means that i should have made sure that the white balance was ok, however i like the angle this image has been taken at as you can see properly what is in the bowl. I like how you can see the detail in the mat as i think it makes the image more interesting if you look at it closely, i also think that the leaf adds more colour to the image as i think the image is quite plain.

I think that this image doesn't have much colour, but by adding the mat it gives the image a bit more to look at rather than a plain bland soup, i also thing the leaf stands out a lot because the soup is quite lifeless. I like the angle this was taken at as you can see almost all of the bread at this angle (top, sides and front) which lets people see the detail in the bread.

i think the tomatoes in this image bring out the yellows and oranges in the jacket potatoes and makes the image more interesting. I also like how you can see the knife and fork as the dish looks well set out. The tomatoes and the cutlery are framing the image which draws the most attention to the potatoes. i like how you can see the detail in the mat and the board. I like how ripe and shiny the tomatoes look to as it brings out the redness in the image.

The first thing that catches my eyes is the reflection in the spoon, i think this adds more detail to the image as it is also creating a reflection on the bowl too. I don't think the red napkin should have been in the image as there isn't any other colours really like it. I like how you can see the detail in the bread which makes the image look a lot more detailed and advanced rather than just a simple image with no detail.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Pack Shot images.

We took these images in the studio, the aim of these images were that we were trying to take the image seem as though its floating and has no background, we it came to editing these images on photoshop my images looked like they were floating however when i uploaded them to blogger they looked a lot darker and some of the shadows re appeared. we compared our images to the pictures of these products on the Tesco website.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Health and Safety In the Studio

We had to make a video on health and safety in the studio to show that we understand the dangers and risks working in the studio. In the video we acted out all the bad things that could happen such as wires being on the floor, we then showed what to do instead of having wires on the floor (make sure all wires are out of the way).

Some of the problems we used were touching hot lights, we showed Emily touching the lights and burning her hands, after this problems we showed what do to do instead of burning your hands. (turn the lights ff and let them cool down, or you could use gloves). We also showed lights falling on Emily and showed that lights should be looked at to make sure they are stable at all times. Here is our video with more problems and solutions.

Client Requirement and Creative Intent

Client Requirement
Client Requirement is just basically what the client needs/wants from a project.
Client Requirement exists because if it didn't then clients wouldn't be able to discuss what they want from a certain topic/project, another reason it exists is because the people in charge of these companies would not be able to listen and find out what the clients want and need, so would not be giving the clients what they want or need as they wouldn't know. An example of a client requirement could be that a man wants to have a photo shoot with his family. Wife, husband(client), son and daughter, however he wants the image to look old and vintage. He would then have to tell the photographer this so that the photographer new the clients requirements.

Creative intent
Creative Intent is were the person creating the project/object has free will over making this and can do what they like, so instead of a client telling the person what they would like to do they leave it to the person to decide what to do. A good example of this could be someone having there photo taken and the photographer can get to whatever angle they want to and make the model do a certain pose of their own choice.